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Getting a library card

Adults of any age and location in the area can have a card at our library free of charge!

Remember to bring your library card with you when you visit the library

How do I get a library card?

In order to be good stewards of the funds that are given to Groves Public Library, we must endeavor to ensure we know to whom and where our materials are going once they leave the building. We are the only library in Jefferson County that does not charge for a library membership. Please help us in our effort to help you by being a responsible library user.

If you live in the area, and you want a library card at Groves Library, you do not have to pay a fee. You must be 18 years or older and agree to return your materials on time, to pay any and all fines that accrue as a result of our lending you materials, and pay for any most materials plus a processing fee of $5.00. You can also click on the fines and fees page to see our rules for circulating materials.
Click here to print an application before you come to the library.

Instructions for Obtaining a Library Card

Adults (18 years of age or older) can obtain a library card at the Groves Public Library free of charge if you live in Southeast Texas (not just Groves residents).  

Please complete the application in its entirety and bring it to the library. You must provide an email address and reference phone number.  This reference must be someone who is not living with you. All patron information is confidential and will not be shared with any organization outside of the library.

Along with your application, please bring the following to the library:

 Photo ID (one of the following): 

  • A valid Texas driver's license
  • Texas Department of Public Safety ID card
  • Passport
  • Military ID
  • Resident Alien Card
  • basically anything with your picture on it that is official

Address verification:

  • A current utility bill
  • Current credit card bill or bank document
  • Voter registration card
  • Home loan or rent receipt
  • Any mail that has been sent to you within the last 30 days

After you provide us with this information, we will issue you a library card and you will become a temporary member of the Groves Public Library and you will be allowed to check out 2 books the day you register.

As our final and third form of verification, we will address and mail an envelope to you.  Once you receive that envelope, please return to the library with the envelope and you become a full member of the library. 

Can I get a card for my child(ren)?

Parents or legal guardians who are requesting a library card for a minor must meet certain criteria:

  • The parent or legal guardian must have an active account and be a full member (i.e. not provisional member).
  • The child must be between 6 – 17 years old.

Children’s cards will be registered under the parent or legal guardian’s account.  The parent or legal guardian will be held responsible for materials borrowed by the child, as well as for fines accumulated on the child’s card. They will also be responsible for notifying the library immediately of any loss or theft of the card or if any account information has changed.

We prefer that a child be at least 6 years old before getting a library card. Each child in a family will be eligible. Until a child reaches the age of 18, parents or whoever signs for their card(s) are responsible for paying any fines they accrue.  If one family member is in default, the whole family will be suspended.

Users will not be allowed to borrow materials if any member on the account has a fine or missing materials.


How many items can we check out?

Regular item limits for adult full members total 12 items, in any combination of the following:

  • 12 books
  • 5 audiobooks
  • 4 DVDs 

Regular ítem limits for children total 12 items, in any combination of the following:

  • 12 books
  • 5 audiobooks 
Prices of materials:
Adult hardcovers are generally $25.00-$35.00
Children's books are $15-$20
DVDs are $23-$25
Audios are $35 to $45
So needless to say, if an adult walks out with 8 items, two of which are DVDs, then they could be leaving with almost $200 worth of material.

How do I Renew my card? Must I have my card with me when I check out?

Any time you change addresses, phone numbers, or any pertinent information, please remember to change this information on your library card. Cards expire every year and must be renewed. Remember to bring your library card with you when you visit the library. You will need it scanned by the system to check out your materials. This is for your protection. It will ensure that items showing up on your electronic record were really checked out by you.

If you lose your card, there is a $1.00 fee for a new card. You will be given a new library card number. If after you get a new card, you find your old one--please remember to destroy the old one by cutting it up so that it won't be used by someone other than you. Seniors (65 and over) pay only 50 cents for a new library card. If your library card is stolen, please notify the library at once at 409-962-6281.

Can I waive address verification?

Staff is given permission to waive address verification for any resident who can show that they are a member of a Groves civic organization, such as the Groves Rotary, Beautification Committee, or Groves Chamber of Commerce. In addition we will waive the address verification process for members of the clergy at a Groves church, members of the Groves Fire Department, Groves Police Department or Groves city department heads.

What if I am a student or faculty member?

We are able to designate you as faculty in our system allowing  you to check out as many as 20 books per visit. Patrons who wish to be designated as faculty will need to present written proof that they are currently employed in a school district as a classroom teacher , or a potential student teacher who is required by coursework to read children's books. If you are a student teacher, you will need to tell the staff the name of the school you attend, grade you are currently teaching, and a phone number of the school where you can be reached.  Persons who homeschool may also be designated if you furnish staff the name of the organization they teach under, or the name of the curriculum you are using. Persons designated as faculty may only be allowed extra check-out during the school terms--August to May of each year.

Instrucciones para obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca

Los adultos (18 años de edad, o mayor) pueden obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca totalmente gratuito si viven en el sureste de Texas (no es limitado a residentes de la ciudad de Groves).

Por favor llene la solicitud adjunto. Necesita proveer un correo electrónico y una persona de referencia quien no viva con Ud. Toda información es confidencial y no la compartiremos con ninguna organización fuera de la biblioteca.

Junto con la solicitud, por favor traiga lo siguiente a la biblioteca:

Identificación con foto (uno de lo siguiente): 

  • Licencia de conducir del Estado de Texas que este vigenta
  • Identificación emitida por el gobierno
  • Pasaporte
  • Identificación militar
  • Tarjeta de Residente o Tarjeta Verde
  • Cualquier document official con su nombre y foto

Verificación de domicilio

  • Una factura de servicios públicos
  • Un documento bancario o factura de tarjeta de crédito
  • Tarjeta de registro electoral
  • Contrato de arrendamiento o su hipoteca actual,
  • Cualquier correspondencia que prueba la información requerida y sea reciente (últimos 30 días)

Después de presentar lo antedicho, le daremos su tarjeta de la biblioteca y podrá acceder a los servicios mediante una credencial provisoria. Podrá sacar en préstamo 2 libros el día que se inscriba con la credencial provisoria.

Luego nosotros le enviaremos una correspondencia. Cuando lo reciba, por favor regréselo a la biblioteca (la última verificación) y se convertirá en miembro oficial.

¿Puedo obtener una tarjeta para mis niños?

Padres o tutores quienes solicitan una tarjeta de biblioteca para un menor de edad deben cumplir con ciertos criterios para ser aprobados:

  • El padre o tutor debe tener una tarjeta de la biblioteca vigente y oficial (no provisoria).
  • El niño debe tener 6 – 17 años de edad.

La tarjeta del niño quedará registrada a nombre de un padre o tutor, a quien se le denominará “responsable”. El padre o tutor es responsable de todos los artículos prestados en la tarjeta del niño, así como de cualquier multa o cargo en la tarjeta. El responsable deberá notificar a la biblioteca inmediatamente en caso de pérdida o robo de la tarjeta o si alguna información ha cambiado.

A un usuario no se le permitirá sacar artículos en préstamo si ese usuario, u otras personas que viven en el mismo hogar o esten vinculados a ese usuario, tienen multas en su cuenta.


Límite de artículos

Los límites de artículos regulares para adultos suman un total de 12 artículos, en cualquier combinación de lo siguiente:

  • 12 libros
  • 5 audiolibros
  • 4 DVDs

Los límites de artículos para niños suman 12 artículos, en cualquier combinación de lo siguiente:

  • 12 libros
  • 5 audiolibros

Checking out holiday books such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, these books have a check out limit of 5 books per circulation in order for the library to have enough books to circulate to regular patrons for the holidays.

Is there ever an instance where I can lose my borrowing privileges?

Borrowing from our library is a privilege, not a right. You can lose ( or have borrowing suspended) your privileges by

  • not paying your late fines,
  • continually losing our materials or abusing them,
  • Owing the library money and not paying something on the account on a regular basis
  • misbehaving in the library can cost you to be welcomed back into the library, therefore suspending your account.

If you have a fine, un-returned materials or your account is suspended, you will also be suspended from using our library computers.